sábado. 27.07.2024

JANUARY, although  it doesn't look like it in Spanish, is the month of the God JANO, who in Latin was called Januarius (in other languages this is clearer, for example January in English, or in German, Januar)

FEBRUARY was the month of purifying, which in Latin is related to the word Februa", the festival of purification.

MARCH, from Martius, named for the god MARS.

Which brings us up to date: APRIL, dedicated to the goddess VENUS - it is uncertain if this comes from the Latin word "to open", referring to the opening of all the spring flowers, or from a Greek word meaning "foam" which forms part of the goddess' Greek name, AFRODITA, born of her.

Day 1, midnight

This month only one constellation has a very brilliant star: Virgo, (ch. 5), with SPICA (the sprig) at a little over a hand and slightly to the right of Guijo de Coria. One has to be careful not to confuse it with Mars, which at this time of the year is a little higher with a magnitude less than -1 (ch. 4), whereas Spica only has a magnitude 1. Just under 2 hands and slightly to the left of Morcillo, we find PORRIMA (from the Roman goddess of prophecy)

In Canis Venatici, or the Lebreles (ch. 6) we have COR CAROLI (the heart of Carlos), a little to the left of Santibañez el Alto and a little under 3 hands. This constellation also has one of the most beautiful globular cumulus of the Northern Hemisphere, M 3, a little to the right of Villanueva de la Sierra, at just under 2 and a half hands, and the GALAXIA REMOLINO, M 51, a little to the left of Torrecilla de Los Ángeles, and a little over 2 and a half hands, being the first galaxy to be discovered in spiral form.

Of the Cuervo (ch. 23), ALCHIBA (the tent), at a hand over Calzadilla, and a little more to the right, but just under one and a half hands, GIENAH  the right wing of the Cuervo).

From the Copa, or Crater (ch. 23), ALKES (shallow dish), at one and a half hands to the right of Coria.

This month we will have a meteor shower, las LIRIDAS, with greatest activity during the night of the 22nd to 23rd, and which will be better seen in the early hours of the morning. Its radiant (ch, 9) is between the Lira (ch. 6) and Hercules (ch. 24), at a little under 3 hands to the right of Villanueva de La Sierra.

And now we only have one journey left. Until then, good luck.

Xl. April in the Sierra sky