sábado. 27.07.2024

The sky has darkened. Orion now leaves from the West, but fortunately the arrival of Leo in the East promises the arrival of the season of re-birth.

Day 1, at midnight.

Cancer, (ch.7), the least visible of the constellations of the Zodiac, has its highest star, IOTA-CNC, at a little less than 3 and a half hands above Guijo de Galisteo, and at a little over 3 hands above Morcillo, ASELLUS AUSTRALIS (the little donkey of the South). To its right and a little higher you can see a nubulosa, M44, also called THE CRIB or THE BEEHIVE.

Gemini (ch.7) has 2 more brilliant stars: CASTOR, to the right of Coria and at 4 hands, and POLLUX, to the left of Coria and a little over 3 and a half hands.

Canis Minor (ch.16) has a very brilliant star, PROCYON (the one before the dog), at a little more than 2 and a half hands over Casas de Don Gomez. If we have a look at BETELGEUSE, of Orion, these dates 2 and half hands between Perales del Puerto and Moraleja, and at SIRIUS of Canis major, at one and half hands between Huélaga and Moraleja, the three form the WINTER TRIANGLE. Also, a little less than 3 hands above Huélaga, is GOMEISA (the quiet one).

Finally, we can also see in this area a part of Puppis, the Poop (ch. 22), although very near the horizon. From this one, at half a hand and to the left of Casas de Don Gómez, NAOS (the nave) may be visible.

And so until the month of the much awaited Spring (less the hay fever, of course)

IX. February in the Sierra sky